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    57. H. Shao, Y. Huang, H. Guan and K. Gao, Direct measurement of the 3d 2D3/2 to 3d 2D5/2 lifetime ratio in a single trapped 40Ca+, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 51, 045002 (2018).

  56. Li-Jun Du, Hong-Fang Song, Shao-Long Chen, Yao Huang, Xin Tong, Hua Guan, and Ke-Lin Gao, Quantitative evaluation of space charge effects of laser-cooled three-dimensional ion system on a secular motion period scale, Chin. Phys. B 27, 043701 (2018).

    55. H. Shao, Y. Huang, H. Guan, C. Li T. Shi, and K. Gao, Precise determination of the quadrupole transition matrix element of 40Ca+ via branching-fraction and lifetime measurements,Physical Review A 95, 053415 (2017). 
    54. Y. Huang, H. Guan, P. Liu, W. Bian, L. Ma, K. Liang, T. Li, and K. Gao, A comparison of two 40Ca+ single-ion optical frequency standards at the 510-17 level and an evaluation of systematic shifts, Applied Physics B 123, 166 (2017). 
    53. Hong-Fang Song, Shao-Long Chen, Meng-Yan Zeng, Yao Huang, Hu Shao, Yong-Bo Tang, Hua Guan, and Ke-Lin Gao, Relationship measurement between ac-Stark shift of 40Ca+ clock transition and laser polarization direction, Chinese Physics B 26, 099501(2017). 
    52. H. Shao, Y. Huang, H. Guan, Y. Qian, and K. Gao, Precision measurement of the 3d 2D3/2-state lifetime in a single trapped 40Ca+, Physical Review A, 94, 042507 (2016).

  51.Wu Bian, Yao Huang, Hua Guan, Peiliang Liu, Longsheng Ma, and Kelin Gao, 1 Hz linewidth Ti:sapphire laser as local oscillator for 40Ca+ optical clocks. Review of Scientific Instruments, 87, 063121 (2016).

  50.管桦, 黄垚, 高克林,禁冷却钙离子精密光谱实验进展,中国科学: 物理学 力学 天文学 46, 073005 (2016).

  49.黄垚, 陆泽晃, 管桦, 高克林, 离子光频标的原理和发展, 物理, 45(7), 423 (2016).

  48. Huang Yao,Guan Hua,Liu Pei-Liang,Bian Wu,Ma Long-Sheng,Liang Kun,Li Tian-Chu,Gao Ke-Lin,Frequency Comparison of Two 40Ca+ Optical Clocks with an Uncertainty at the 10-17 Level,Physical Review Letters,2016,116(1):013001(1)-013001(6) 

  47. Liu Pei-Liang,Huang Yao,Bian Wu,Shao Hu,Guan Hua,Tang Yong-Bo,Li Cheng-Bin,Mitroy J.,Gao Ke-Lin,Measurement of Magic Wavelengths for the 40Ca+ Clock Transition,Physical Review Letters,2015,114(22):223001(1)-223001(5) 

  46. Chen Ting,Du Li-Jun,Song Hong-Fang,Liu Pei-Liang,Huang Yao,Tong Xin,Guan Hua,Gao Ke-Lin,Preparation of Ultracold Li+ Ions by Sympathetic Cooling in a Linear Paul Trap,Chinese Physics Letters,2015,32(8):083701(1)-083701(9) 

  45. Du Li-Jun,Song Hong-Fang,Li Hai-Xia,Chen Shao-Long,Chen Ting,Sun Huan-Yao,Huang Yao,Tong Xin,Guan Hua,Gao Ke-Lin,Determination of ion quantity by using low-temperature ion density theory and molecular dynamics simulation,Chinese Physics B,2015,24(11):113703(1)-113703(6) 

  44. Du Li-Jun,Chen Ting,Song Hong-Fang,Chen Shao-Long,Li Hai-Xia,Huang Yao,Tong Xin,Guan Hua,Gao Ke-Lin,Compensating for excess micromotion of ion crystals,Chinese Physics B,2015,24(8):083702(1)-083702(6)

  43. 邵虎,黄垚,谢艺,管桦,高克林,用于钙离子光频标的高性能脉冲时序产生方法,量子电子学报,2015,(06):668-672  

  42.Guan Hua, Huang Yao, Liu Pei-Liang, Bian Wu, Shao Hu, and Gao Ke-Lin, Chin. Phys. B 24, 054213(2015)

  41. Hua Guan, Hu Shao, Yuan Qian, Yao Huang, Pei-Liang Liu, Wu Bian, Cheng-Bin Li, B. K. Sahoo, and Ke-Lin Gao, Combined experimental and theoretical probe of the lifetime of the 3d 2D5/2 state in 40Ca+, Phys. Rev. A 91, 022511 (2015)  

  40. Liu Pei-Liang, Huang Yao, Bian Wu, Shao Hu, Qian Yuan, Guan Hua, Tang Li-Yan, and Gao Ke-Lin, Correlation between the magic wavelengths and the polarization direction of the linearly polarized laser in the Ca+ optical clock, Chin. Phys. B 24, 039501 (2015)  

  39. Matthias Germann, Xin Tong and Stefan Willitsch, Observation of electric-dipole-forbidden infrared transitions in cold molecular ions, Nature Physics 10, 820 (2014)    

  38. Chen Ting, Du Li-Jun, Song Hong-Fang, Liu Pei-Liang, Huang Yao, Tong Xin, Guan Hua, and Gao Ke-Lin, Chin. Phys. B 23, 123702(2014)  

  37. Yao Huang, Peiliang Liu, Wu Bian, Hua Guan, Kelin Gao, Evaluation of the systematic shifts and absolute frequency measurement of a single Ca+ ion frequency standard, Appl. Phys. B 114, 189(2014) 

  36. LIU Pei-Liang, HUANG Yao, BIAN Wu, SHAO Hu, QIAN Yuan, GUAN Hua, GAO Ke-Lin, Preliminary Frequency Comparison of Two 40Ca+ Optical Frequency Standards, Chin. Phys. Lett. 31, 113702(2014)  

  35. GAO KeLin, Optical frequency standard based on a single 40Ca+, Chinese Science Bulletin, 58, 853(2013) 

  34. 管桦,黄垚,高克林,控制光场的原子钟,物理,42(1), 55(2013) 

  33. 高克林,张天才,单个量子态的操纵和测量:2012年诺贝尔物理学奖述评,物理, 41(12), 775(2012) 

  32.Y. Huang, J. Cao, P. Liu, K. Liang, B. Ou, H. Guan, X. Huang, T. Li and K. Gao,  Hertz-level Measurement of the 40Ca+ 4s 2S1/2–3d 2D5/2 Clock Transition Frequency With Respect to the SI Second through GPS, Phys. Rev. A 85, 030503(R) (2012)  

  31.Yao Huang, Qu Liu, Jian Cao, Baoquan Ou, Peiliang Liu, Hua Guan,Xueren Huang, and Kelin Gao. Evaluation of the systematic shifts of a single 40Ca+ ion frequency standard, Phys. Rev. A, 84,053841(2011) 

  30.Liu Qu, Huang Yao, Cao Jian, Ou Bao-Quan,Guo Bin, Guan Hua, HuangXue-Ren, Gao Ke-Lin, Frequency Measurement of the Electric QuadrupoleTransition in a Single Laser-Cooled 40Ca+,Chin. Phys. Lett. 28, 01320(2011) 

  29.Qu Liu, Bao-Quan Ou, Xi-Wen Zhu, Ke-Lin Gao, Coherent effects in a three-photon CPT process of Ca+, Frontiers of Physics 6, 258(2011) 

  28.Hua Guan, Qu Liu, Yao Huang, Bin Guo, Wancheng Qu, Jian Cao, Guilong Huang, Xueren Huang, Kelin Gao, A 729 nm laser with ultra-narrow linewidth for probing  4S1/2–3D5/2 clock transition of 40Ca+, Opt. Commun., 284211(2011) 

  27.屈万成,黄垚,管桦,黄学人,高克林,传输腔稳频的397nm半导体激光器,中国激光 38, 0802008 (2011) 

  26.GUO Bin, GUAN Hua, LIU Qu, HUANG Yao, HUANG Xue-Ren, GAO Ke-Lin, Measurement of Secular Motion Frequency in Miniature Paul Trap to Ascertain the Stability Parameters, Chin. Phys. Lett., 27(1), 013202 (2010) 

  25.高克林,囚禁冷却离子光频标, 物理, 39(9), 604(2010) 

  24.Bin GUO, Hua GUAN, Qu LIU, Yao HUANG, Wan-cheng QU,Xue-ren HUANG, Ke-lin GAO,Preliminary frequency measurement of the electric quadrupole transition in a single laser-cooled 40Ca+ ion, Front. Phys. China, 4(2), 1442009 

  23.高克林,囚禁离子光频标 10000个科学难题 物理学卷 p571-573 科学出版社(2009年5月) 

  22.X. L. Zhang, M. Feng, and K. L. Gao, Universal quantum computation with electronic qubits in decoherence-free subspace, Quant. Info. & Comp. 8, 96(2008)

  21.X. L. Zhang, K. L. Gao, and M. Feng, Entanglement purification through the cavity input-output process, Commun. Theor. Phys. 50, 355(2008) 

  20.Zhang Xiao-Long, Feng Mang, and Gao Ke-Lin. Cluster-state preparation in thermal cavities without single-qubit operation. Chin. Phys. B, 17(1)43(2008) 

  19.高克林,离子光频标的研究进展和空间应用展望, 物理37, 720(2008) 

  18.X. L. Zhang, K. L. Gao, and M. Feng, Efficient and high-fidelity generation of atomic cluster state with cavity-QED and linear optics,Phys. Rev. A 75, 034308(2007) 

  17.Z. J. Deng, M. Feng, and K. L. Gao, Preparation of entangled states of four remote atomic qubits in decoherence-free subspace, Phys. Rev. A 75024302(2007) 

  16.Z. J. Deng, X. L. Zhang, H. Wei, K. L. Gao, and M. Feng. Implementation of a nonlocal N-qubit conditional phase gate by single-photon interference. Phys. Rev. A, 76(4), 044305(2007) 

  15.Z. J. Deng, K. L. Gao, and M. Feng, Alternative scheme for two-qubit conditional phase gate by adiabatic passage under dissipation,J. Phys. B 40, 351(2007) 

  14.H. Guan, B. Guo, G. L. Huang, H. L. Shu, X. R. Huang, and K. L. Gao, Stabilization of 397 nm and 866 nm external cavity diode lasers for cooling a single calcium ion,Opt. Comm. 274, 182(2007) 

  13.SHU HuaLin, Guo Bin,GUAN Hua, LIU Qu, HUANG XueRen, GAO KeLin, Experimental Improvement of Signal of a Single Laser-Cooled Trapped 40Ca+ Ion,Chin. Phys. Lett., 24(5), 1217(2007) 

  12.管桦 黄贵龙 黄学人 郭彬 舒华林 高克林, 基于Littrow结构的可调谐半导体激光器的研制,中国激光 34(1), 1(2007) 

  11.X. L. Zhang,M. Feng and K. L. Gao,Cluster-state preparation and multipartite entanglement analyzer with fermions, Phys. Rev. A73, 014301(2006) 

  10.Deng Z. J., Gao K. L., and Feng,M.,Generation of N-qubit W states with rf SQUID qubits by adiabatic passage, Phys. Rev. A 74, 064303(2006) 

  9.Chang-Yong Chen, Xiao-long Zhang, Zhi-Jiao Deng, Ke-lin Gao, and Mang Feng,Influence from cavity decay on geometric quantum computation in the large-detuning cavity QED model, Phys. Rev. A 74 , 032328(2006) 

  8.C. Y. Chen and K. L. Gao. Approximate unconventional geometric phase gate by highly squeezed operators with a cavity QED system. J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., 39(10), 2435(2006) 

  7.Xiao-long Zhang, Ke-lin Gao and Mang Feng,Preparation of cluster states and W states with superconducting quantum-interference-device qubits in cavity QED, Phys. Rev. A 74, 024303 (2006) 

  6.Z. J. Deng, M. Feng and K. L. Gao,Simple scheme for generating n-qubit W state in cavity QED, Phys. Rev. A 73, 014302(2006) 

  5.Chang-Yong Chen, Mang Feng, Xiao-Long Zhang, and Ke-lin Gao, Strong-driving-assisted unconventional geometric logic gate in cavity QED, Phys. Rev. A 73, 032344(2006) 

  4.Chang-Yong Chen, Mang Feng, and Ke-Lin Gao, Superposition and entenglement of mesoscopic squeezed vacuum states in cavity QED, Phys. Rev. A73, 034305(2006) 

  3.Chang-Yong Chen, Mang Feng, and Ke-lin Gao, Toffoli gate originating from a single resonant interaction with cavity QED, Phys. Rev. A73, 064304(2006)

  2.X. L. Zhang,M. Feng and K. L. Gao, Efficient generation of entangled photons by cavity QED, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39, 3211(2006) 

  1.WU Li-jin , SHI Ting-yun, GAO Ke-lin, Effect of laser on frequency standard of single Ca+ ion trapped in rf Paul Trap, Chin. Phy. Lett. 23, 83(2006) 




       3.边武,管桦,黄垚,刘培亮,陈婷,杜丽军,邵虎,钱源,高克林. 发明专利:激光频率和功率的稳定方法和稳定装置. 授权号: ZL201310054366.2, 授权时间:2015.8.12。

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