Dear colleagues:
On behalf of the organizing committee, I take great pleasure in welcoming you to the 4th Asia-Pacific NMR Symposium (The 4th APNMR Symposium) that is held from Oct. 16 to 19, 2011, in Beijing,China, The purpose of this symposium is to make a deliberate effort to determine trends and concerns in NMR studies and provide an integrated information exchange.
This conference will concentrate on all promising areas of NMR studies including: (1) Solution NMR
(2) Solid State NMR
(3) NMR Imaging
(4) NMR Theory and Methods
(5) EPR, NQR and other related areas
I hope this symposium here at the Central Garden Beijing Hotel in Beijing can produce a rich exchange of ideas and provide new research directions for NMR researchers. Beijing is a beautiful resort area in the southern part of China. I am sure we can enjoy beautiful Beijing and exciting discussions. Finally, I wish you a successful and rewarding meeting.