报告题目:Plasmon-induced quantum interference effects near metallic nanostructures
Plasmonic structures present the key advantage of large nanoscale vacuum anisotropic Purcell factors associated with ultrasmall optical mode volume. Another advantage is that evanescent fields near these plasmonic structures can excite single quantum emitters, enabling a nanoscale realization of atom-light interactions that traditional techniques cannot access. First, I will present the resonance fluorescence of a two-level single molecular system interacting with a plasmonic nanostructure . Then, in the coherently trapped populations of a four-level atom, we demonstrated the quantum beats of originating from different dipole moments in a vacuum and near plasmonic structure. At last, the mechanism of using anisotropic Purcell factor to control spontaneous emission linewidths in a fourlevel atom is theoretically demonstrated and proofed near various plasmonic structures. These studies bridge the fields of quantum optics and plasmonics. The combined systems of quantum emitters and plasmon nanostructure may open some perspectives for applications in ultracompact active quantum devices.
古英,北京大学物理学院,副教授,博导。南开大学物理系,理学学士;北京大学物理系,理学硕士;香港中文大学物理系, 理学博士。主持和参与多项国家基金委和科技部项目,发表论文50余篇。主要从事:表面等离激元光学和量子光学量子信息的交叉领域研究。