报告题目: Unveiling the “Invisible” Regulatory States in RNA
报告人:Qi Zhang 教授
邀请人:唐淳 研究员
RNA folds and balances between distinct conformational states for function. Riboswitches, a class of non-coding regulatory RNAs composed of a ligand-sensing domain and an expression platform, are known to control gene expression by folding into alternative conformations upon specific recognition of cellular cues. However, a molecular understanding of the dynamic interplay between the sensing domain and the expression platform that underlies riboswitch regulation remains elusive. Here, by developing and applying nucleic-acid-optimized chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) NMR spectroscopy, together with mutagenesis and functional measurements, we show that conformational kinetics of the riboswitch serves as a new layer of regulation, where ligand-dependent accessibility of a low-populated and short-lived RNA state guides distinct co-transcriptional folding pathways to direct gene expression outcome. Our results provide an integrated molecular mechanism for transcriptional riboswitches and exemplify a new mode of ligand-dependent RNA regulation.
Qi Zhang, 美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校生物化学与生物物理系教授。张教授主要致力于发展和应用先进的溶液核磁共振方法研究非编码RNA的动态结构和功能,包括核酶的催化,核糖开关相关的基因调控,RNA的共转录折叠等,先后在Nat Chem Biol, PNAS, JACS, Nucleic Acids Res等权威期刊发表多篇高水平学术论文